Paid Vacation—Full Time Employees
Number of weeks equivalent* within 1 year 0 wks 57% 1 wk 30% 2 wks 13%
Number of weeks after 1 year
1 wk 64%
2 wks 33% 3 wks 3%
Number of weeks after 2 years 1 wk 16% 2 wks 76% 3 wks 8%
Number of weeks after 5 years: 1 wk 2% 2 wks 33% 3 wks 57% 4 wks 7%
Number of weeks after 10 years: 1 wk 1% 2 wks 18% 3 wks 59% 4 wks 22%
Paid Vacation—Part Time Employees—
What is the minimum number of hours worked/week to qualify for paid vacation:
6–10 11–19 20–29 30–31 32+
15% 13% 32% 9% 32%
*”Weeks equivalent” means if employee works 4 day work week, 2 “weeks equivalent” of vacation is 8 paid days.
Paid Holidays—Full Time Employees
Number of paid Holidays for full-time employees
0 days – 2% 1 day – 0% 2 days – 2% 3 days -0% 4 days -2% 5 days-7%
6 days-
7 days-
8 days-
9 days-
10 days-
What is your definition of a full-time employee (hrs/wk)?
6-10 11-19 20-29 30-31 32-35 36+
1% 0% 15% 14% 56% 14%
Paid Holidays—Part Time Employees
No Holiday benefit 37%
Prorated number of Holidays 17%
Prorated portion of each Holiday 21%
Only for Holidays that fall on their normal work days 35%
Minimum number of hours worked per week for employees to qualify for some Holiday pay:
6-10 11-19 20-29 30-31 32+
24% 24% 24% 7% 11%
Dental Benefts Full Time Part Time Family Members
Free except for lab costs 82% 68% 39%
Completely free 16% 12% 6%
Discount off normal fee 1% 4% 39%
Most common discount for fulltime, part time and family members was 50%; next most common was 35%
Maximum age of employees’ children to receive dental benefits: 18 years 21 years Other
25% 43% 18%
Medical Insurance
No medical insurance benefit 31%
Full premium paid 15%
Partial premium paid 44%  average; 50% most common; 75% next most common
Flat fee paid by employer 20%  Average amount, $180
Minimum number of hours per week to receive medical benefits
6–10 11–19 20–29 30–31 32+
9% 5% 25% 21% 48%
Sick Days/Well Pay
Number of days per year for full-time staff 0–3 4 5 6 7 8
52% 13% 10% 20% 1% 4%
Minimum number of hours worked per week to receive benefits for part-timers:
6-10 11-19 20-29k 30-31 36+
9% 16% 42% 6% 27%
Unused sick days are paid out as well pay:
Yes, 51% No, 25%
N/R, Sick days are included in Paid Time Off (Vacation Pay) 36%
Continuing Education
Paid days per year 1 2 3 4 Other
20% 27% 17% 21% 16%
Minimum number of hours per week to receive benefits
6–10 11–19 20–29 30–31 32+
18% 15% 30% 10% 28%
Miscellaneaous Benefits for full-time employees
Life Insurance Retirement Plan License Fee Paid Flex Plan Disability Insurance Dues Paid
11% 88% 51% 31% 13% 47%
Prepared By: Davich, Wilson, Morrow and Associates, P.A.,Certified Public Accountants, 952-881-3128

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